#WomenOfESAG shines the spotlight on unique after-work pursuits of Easa Saleh Al Gurg …
Having women in our workforce enables ESAG to benefit from different points of view that come from varied life experiences. This multiplicity of perspectives sparks creativity and innovation. It also encourages us to challenge gender stereotypes.
We believe in creating an environment where women can perform to their full potential. Our focus is to ensure they successfully navigate various life events, and also expand their access to career succession paths they want to pursue.
From riding, to athletics, dancing, travelling and capturing scenic vistas in their photographs; our female employees believe in finding relaxation in varied hobbies and pursuits.
From riding, to athletics, dancing, travelling and capturing scenic vistas in their photographs; our female employees believe in finding relaxation in varied hobbies and pursuits.
dancing, travelling and capturing scenic vistas in their photographs; our female employees believe in finding relaxation in varied hobbies and pursuits.
Lighting Technology

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Enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip.